Covid-19 Resources

Fertility, pregnancy and postpartum can be overwhelming enough, let alone when there is a global pandemic!

Knowing that there is a wealth of misinformation floating around the internet, I've compiled a list of evidence-based resources relating to Covid-19, the available vaccines, and their relationship with pregnancy/fertility/nursing.

These resources are not intended to be taken as medical advice; rather, my goal is to provide you with some background information to help you understand the risks and benefits, particularly when it comes to deciding whether or not to get vaccinated.

All medical decisions, including vaccinations, should be made in consultation with your care provider. 

The Mayo Clinic published an article outlining the risks of Covid-19 infection, specific to pregnant people

Instagram account run by doctors at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, which offers ongoing and reliable information on pregnancy, babies, and Covid-19

Fertility care during the Covid-19 pandemic, a statement from the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society

Two doctors from Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto answer questions specific to the vaccines, fertility and pregnancy

Regional Fertility Program (in Alberta) outlines the vaccine recommendations for those planning a pregnancy

John Hopkins Medicine addresses the myth that the vaccines will affect fertility

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) released a statement supporting vaccination of pregnant and nursing people.

Info sheet on vaccination during pregnancy from SOGC

BC CBC published a handout on the risks and benefits of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine while pregnant or nursing

The American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology released an early study showing that vaccine-generated antibodies were present in umbilical cord blood and breastmilk, showing a transfer of protection from parent to baby.

The Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health  in Ontario developed a tool to help you navigate making this decision